Coronavirus: Good, bad or adiaphorous?

Ahmad Azim
Phoebus Online


First of all, what is Covid 19? Covid 19, also known as Coronavirus, is an infectious respiratory disease with the virus first appearing at a wet market in Wuhan, in bats, to be precise. However, most scientists believe the original source was not bats but that they were the first creature to get it.

Now that you know what it is, let's move on to the positives and negatives. First of all, Coronavirus has infected more than 3.4million people worldwide and the death toll of 239,627 -as I write- is only led by the Spanish flu pandemic. Secondly, the consequent lockdowns have slowed down global economies whereby plunging the world GDP by 4.8 %. Thirdly the lockdowns and slowdown have made many people jobless. In the US alone job claims stand at 30million! So after all this how can you imagine of any positives coming out of the current situation? Well, you have to think about nature’s perspective. Coronavirus has reduced pollution worldwide at major cities that suffer from the world’s worst air pollution by up to 60% from the previous year in the space of three weeks. This is probably because most industries have stopped or reduced their target and many countries have made it a law that you need a permit to exit your house and should only ask for it if you are going for groceries or in emergency cases. This results in a massive reduction in cars being driven and the resulting pollution. Pollution kills around 7 million people every year so the virus is saving more than killing. Imagine the air quality difference compared to the previous years! Coronavirus has also had a positive impact on wildlife. For example, beaches that were once crowded have been a breeding zone for turtles and housed about 60 million eggs in just a short period of time!

Coronavirus is known as an infection that kills people and puts them in tricky situations (lockdowns)and upsetting many families (the death toll), with most people thinking there is nothing positive what so ever. It depends on which perspective you focus on or unawareness of the above-highlighted positive facts. To decide your perspective it comes down to one question, ‘Is coronavirus only bad or does it have some good behind it ?’ In my opinion, I coronavirus is adiaphorous — neither good nor bad`.



Ahmad Azim
Phoebus Online

I am a year 6 student with a passion to read and write! I look forward to your comments so I keep improvising.