Is Space Exploration Important?

Dhanu Sree Suresh
Phoebus Online
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2020
Image Credits: Photo by SpaceX on Unsplash

When we think about space exploration, the first question that comes to mind is, “Why is space exploration beneficial at the time, especially when there are so many problems here on Earth?” and, “Shouldn’t we deal with Earth’s issues first before we explore outer space?” Before we end to these conclusions, let’s take a look at how space exploration is useful to us, and most importantly, how it is shaping our future.

1. Space Travel Can Protect Us From a Catastrophic Asteroid

Once every 10,000 years or so an asteroid hits our planet. If we want the human race to survive and not to go the way of the dinosaurs someday, we need to protect ourselves against the threat of being hit by a big asteroid. Space programs enable us to spot these terrible objects, long before it strikes Earth, and to send a spacecraft to plant to detonate a nuclear explosion that could nudge it off its collision course.

2. It Will Lead to More Great Inventions

Many, many gadgets, materials and processes were developed for space programs but found other applications back here on Earth. We’ve all heard about freeze-dried foods, but that isn’t the only thing on the list. Even the GPS, we use every day, was invented by space exploration! Besides all this, technology developed for space exploration has found many uses in other fields as well. Some of these include detecting Alzheimer’s disease, revolutionizing solar power and even fighting bank fraud! These discoveries not only help solve the problems here on Earth but also helps us make space travel more economical.

3. It Can Bring Countries Together

Space exploration can bring humanity closer. Space programs could allow other countries, big and small, to join in their exploration efforts and discover amazing things. Increasingly, nations are working together to spread hefty costs. Not only that, but it also enhances the scope of the technical expertise at each project’s disposal. Remember, “Science arises from the discovery of Identity amid Diversity” — William Stanley Jevons.

These are just some of the ways how space exploration is useful to us and how it is shaping our future. The list goes on. From what we have achieved till now, thanks to space exploration, it is unimaginable what all possibilities await us. I want to end with a quote, “Our future lies with today’s kids and tomorrow’s space exploration.” — Sally Ride.

