Leading a Robotic Life

Hibah Sohail Siddiqui
Phoebus Online
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2020
Source: https://cdn.theatlantic.com/thumbor/Md8fd14NP3-FxwKwMqGqw1wBHks=/1920x1280/media/img/2016/03/10/WhatisRobot5/original.jpg

Every day we wake up from sleep, harboring an elaborate plan about the trivial tasks or the big goals we need to accomplish during the day. For most of us, the scheme remains almost identical, with a few alterations here and there.

Similar to how robots are programmed to perform specific tasks, we set ourselves to live life productively.

The odds are that if you’re a responsible human being, you are following a particular set of things to do, hence are leading a robotic life.

Well, we need to know that living a life that is governed by the well-thought-out ideas of our brain and not the spontaneous nature of our heart is not an awful thing.

Some people might prefer living according to routine, but for those who are afflicted by the lack of whim in their life, loathe the notion of having to live a constant state of life until the end.

The thing that needs to be understood is that we cannot simply abandon this kind of lifestyle. Something that we could do instead is that we could plan holidays more often and utilize our weekends to do the things that we enjoy.

So if you find yourself stuck in an endless loop of doing the same things every day, it would help to be a bit more creative and try thinking of ways to indulge in fun activities without compromising anything important to you in the process.

