Zero-point Energy

Muhammad Tariq
Phoebus Online
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2020

As we’re racing towards an enhanced evolution, the obstacles we’re encountering on our way could lead to human extinction. Look around you, observe your environment and try to figure out the amount of pollution and harmful gases around you. Do you think the human species can survive in this harsh habitat for another century? Unless we find a substitute source of energy, I don’t deem that we’re going to inhabit the earth for any longer. Therefore, I present our path to redemption, Zero-point energy!

You would probably be wondering what Zero-point energy is, well let me blow your minds. Let’s take a moment and think about the vacuum of space, which is nothing but vast emptiness, right? Well, that’s what I believed too, If we travel to the world beyond atoms, protons and neutrons and into the world of quantum physics we would observe that even this can never be empty, we would notice particles popping in and out of existence! These particles generate Zero-point energy. According to calculations, The vacuum holds an infinite amount of it!

We know that Zero-point energy exists thanks to the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle which proves that in the world of quantum physics the more accurately you determine the position of the particle, the less accurately you can determine its momentum (collision).

We still haven’t figured out a way to collect this energy from the humongous and empty vastness of space yet. However, when it comes to the world of science nothing is impossible, but hypothetically let’s say that we discovered a way to collect this energy, what is its capability and how can we use it to prevent global warming?

Just a cup filled with this energy is enough to boil all of earth’s oceans, shocking right? With zero-point energy, all of the non-renewable sources of energy will be long forgotten! Furthermore, even the renewable sources of energy we use at the moment, like windmills and solar panels would be a thing of the past. Moreover, Cutting edge technologies would be developed everywhere! Most of the population on earth would switch to electric cars which would reduce the level of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. However, crime rates would also increase as they have access to this unlimited energy consequently, the government would have to set up some rules on the use of Zero-point energy risking creativity to disappear. Even more, space exploration would enhance as well.

Normally, it takes up to 36 years to exit our solar system, with the use of zero-point energy powered rockets, it would only be a matter of a few hours, this could drastically improve our knowledge of space and mine asteroids. Despite all the cons, Harnessing zero-point energy could indeed be our path to redemption.

