Visualising Knowledge: Enhancing Learning Engagement through Text-to-Video

Rohan Roberts
Phoebus Online
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2024

The advent of Sora, OpenAI’s groundbreaking artificial intelligence model, introduces a transformative approach to education through its ability to convert textual descriptions into high-quality, imaginative videos. This innovation in text-to-video synthesis heralds a new era in educational technology, offering unprecedented opportunities for enhancing teaching and learning methods across various disciplines.

In an educational context, Sora’s capabilities could revolutionise how concepts and ideas are conveyed to students. For instance, complex scientific theories, historical events, or literary narratives can be brought to life through vivid, engaging videos created from simple text descriptions. This visual representation of information can aid in improving comprehension, retention, and engagement among learners, catering to diverse learning styles.

Kevin Russell, in his article “The Mind’s Eye Now Has a Projector,” highlights the transformative potential of Sora by stating, “we’re not just enhancing hyperphantasia; we’re transforming it. The mind’s eye, once a silent cinema of the soul, now wields the power of a projector, casting its inner visions onto the canvas of reality. With Sora, your thoughts and dreams are no longer fleeting shadows, but tangible realities.” In the realm of education, this means that teachers and students can collaboratively create and explore educational content in ways previously unimaginable, making learning a more immersive and interactive experience.

A video created by OpenAI’s new GenAI model, Sora. This was based on the prompt: “A stylish woman walks down a Tokyo street filled with warm glowing neon and animated city signage. She wears a black leather jacket, a long red dress, and black boots, and carries a black purse. She wears sunglasses and red lipstick. She walks confidently and casually. The street is damp and reflective, creating a mirror effect of the colorful lights. Many pedestrians walk about.”

Sora democratises video production for educational purposes, making it accessible to educators and students regardless of their technical skills or resources. This ease of creating educational content allows for a more personalized and flexible learning environment, where content can be tailored to meet the specific needs and interests of each student.

Moreover, the potential ethical considerations and challenges associated with Sora, such as misinformation and the authenticity of digital content, offer valuable teaching moments in digital literacy and ethics. Educators can leverage these discussions to foster critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and responsible content creation among students.

The role of Sora in crafting the Metaverse opens up new frontiers for education. By generating detailed and immersive environments from textual descriptions, Sora could facilitate the creation of virtual classrooms and campuses that offer rich, interactive learning experiences. These virtual spaces could host simulations, experiments, and role-playing activities, providing a safe and controlled environment for practical learning and skill development in fields such as science, healthcare, and engineering.

In the future, Sora’s ability to create dynamic, context-sensitive scenarios in response to user actions within the Metaverse could enhance simulation-based learning, making it more relevant and engaging. This adaptability ensures that educational content is not only immersive but also responsive to the learners’ progress and actions, offering personalised feedback and learning pathways.

Sora represents a pivotal advancement in educational technology, with the potential to transform traditional teaching and learning methodologies. By enabling the creation of custom, high-quality educational videos and immersive virtual learning environments, Sora empowers educators and learners to explore new dimensions of creativity, engagement, and interactivity. As we navigate this new era, the integration of Sora into educational practices promises to enrich the educational landscape, making learning a more captivating and impactful experience.



Rohan Roberts
Phoebus Online

Director, SciFest Dubai | Director of Innovation and Future Learning, GEMS Education |