Phoenix Finance Deploys on Binance Smart Chain. Find out all the details.

Crypto Michele
Phoenix Finance
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2021

Following our deployment on Polygon and Wanchain, it is a pleasure to announce to our community that we are launching on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) at 14:00 UTC 25th Aug 2021, bringing over our full suite of products — including mining, staking, boosting, options, and leveraged tokens.

For all those who are interested in the opportunities on offer, we would like to direct you to:

(Please remember that in order to operate our platform on BSC, you must first switch your wallet to the Smart Chain mainnet for operations.)

The contracts governing the functions below will start automatically as we launch and be immediately available to users.

Binance Smart Chain:

  • 3X Leveraged Tokens on BTCB and BNB — buy and sell
  • Options on BTC and ETH — buy and exercise
  • BUSD/USDT Pool for Options Mining — 6000 cPHX per day
  • BUSD Lending Pool for Leveraged Tokens Mining — 4000 cPHX per day
  • BTCB Lending Pool for Leveraged Tokens Mining — 2000 cPHX per day
  • BNB Lending Pool for Leveraged Tokens Mining — 2000 cPHX per day
  • Pancakeswap PHX/BNB LP Mining — 12000 cPHX per day

Please note that the daily mining has been increased compared with the original announcement.

In the first two weeks, there will be caps in the leveraged tokens pools. This will serve to curb any unexpected risk as we launch this innovative product and help protect both our users’ interests and Phoenix Finance’s reliability.

  • BUSD pool: 1,000,000 BUSD for the pool and 100,000 BUSD for each address.
  • BTCB pool: 16 BTCB for the pool and 1.6 BTCB for each address.
  • BNB pool: 1,250 BNB for the pool and 125 BNB for each address.

For further details concerning our protocols and mining system, as well as the Peckshield audit report of our leveraged token contract, please see below:

