Announcing Test & Bug Bounty Program for FinNexus Protocol for Options (FPO) v1.0

Program Will Distribute Up To $10,000 (or more for critical bugs) Worth of FNX Tokens

Phoenix Finance
3 min readSep 8, 2020


After the FinNexus Protocol for Options (FPO) v0.1 went live in August this year, we received lots of comments and suggestions from our communities and users. In view of product planning and the experience gained from this first version of our options protocol, we will launch a brand-new FinNexus Protocol for Options (FPO) v1.0 in late September.

As we have announced previously, this version of the protocol is a great improvement over the previous version. FPO v1.0 will utilize an industry-first Multi-Asset Single-Pool (MASP) peer-to-pool liquidity model. We really think that this platform is going to be a game-changer but we understand that recognition from the industry at large will only come once we launch a minimum viable product (MVP). In anticipation of that event, we are happy to announce that FPO v1.0 is live on the Ethereum Rinkeby testnet. In tandem with this launch, we are supporting a robust testing and bug bounty program.

Before the official launch of FPO v1.0, we will offer 10,000 USD worth of FNX tokens and invite partners, developers, and users to participate in this Test And Bug Bounty Program, working together with us to find product bugs and improve the user experience. (Note: for critical bugs, there is no 10,000 USD limit)

Key Information

Test Period: From Sep. 8, 2020 to the day when FPO V1.0 launches (around one month)

Test Link:

Rewards: There is 10,000 USD worth of FNX tokens set up as the total rewards pool. Rewards will be distributed according to the severity level of valid bug reported.

How to Get Testnet Tokens:


Wanchain testnet:

Feedback Channel:

Bug Bounty Reward Types:

  • Informational: 20 FNX
  • Low severity: 100 FNX
  • Moderate severity: 500 FNX
  • High severity: 5000 FNX
  • Critical severity: Contact us for more details

Note: The first tester who submits the bug will be rewarded if more than one testers submit the same bug. The FinNexus team reserves the right to determine bug severity levels.

Completing Tasks

10 FNX will be rewarded to you if you complete an transaction cycle on FPO V1.0 through either Wanchain wallet, Ethereum wallet, or MetaMask(an transaction cycle refers to buy and sell, or buy and exercise circle; or join in the pool, withdraw circle). Your Telegram ID, ERC20 FNX address. Screenshots of the transactions are required.
A complete cycle consists of one of these three transaction pairs:

  • Buy then sell an option
  • Buy then exercise an option
  • Join and then withdraw from the pool

Note: For the completing tasks, multiple submissions by the same Telegram ID will be rewarded only once.

Security Reports

Finding severe bugs that may affect the security of funds in the smart contracts of FinNexus Options will be granted a special reward by the FinNexus team.

Good luck and please help us build a robust and utterly unique options protocol that everyone can use safely and securely!

FinNexus is building a suite of open finance protocol clusters that will power hybrid marketplaces trading both decentralized and traditional financial products. The headline product to be released is a fully decentralized bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) options model that will live on both Wanchain and Ethereum.

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