Project Insider: ARK is Printing!

Phoenix Syndicate
4 min readJan 8, 2023


The proof is in the numbers and there is no Bear Market at ARKfi. It has been live for nearly 3 weeks now and it is PRINTING! Lets take a look at the numbers. We already know that ARKs presale raised over $1.2 Million dollars in the bear market and it has continued that meteoric rise with a Market Cap of $4,711,989 holding a liquidity of $1.4 million and a token Price (at the time of writing this - January 7th 2023) of $5.74 per ARK.

So does that mean you are to late? Not at all, ARKs ILC (Intelligent Liquidity Controller) is working like a dream keeping the token price within its intended range and is around 10–12% above launch price giving everyone the same opportunity that people had on day one!

The Vault

There are many different strategies to adopt at ARK as everyones financial situations and goals are different so ill share my own for reference, I have multiple wallets and have played around the CWR (compound/withdrawal ratio) to find what best suits me and the results are amazing!

Following a standard CWR of 1.33–1.50 which requires no Legacy NFT or additional investment, I have earned $272.36 of my original $1000 dollar investment back into my Wallet AND compounded 83.25 ARK ($477.85 worth of ARK) into my Principal Balance growing my investment substantially!


The token and Vault aren’t the only thing to shout about at ARK either The Foundation is a High Yield savings account that offers over 100% APY and has amassed a total staked bond of 23094 with a value of $110979.

It also has Utility in the form of access to your first level of downlines and an entry to the spARK rewards pool. Your daily earned BUSD can be withdrawn back to your wallet or compounded into your BOND increasing your % of the daily pool rewards. And just to add to its brilliance there is no lock period!

spARK rewards

The spark rewards pool is an ingenious system built with true decentralisation in mind where as 50% of the daily tax collected by the guardian wallet is given away in a lottery style draw using a built in VRF (Verifiable Random Function) to a qualifying community member EVERYDAY! To Qualify for this you must hold 1 level of BOND or a Legacy NFT and it really is a cherry on top of the already Fantastic Protocol.

There have been 20 spARK winners so far with an average win of 125–130 ARK a day and a total paid pool of 2277 ARK with a value of $13,069.98!!

Legacy NFTs

The Legacy NFTs offer the best utility inside the system IMO and come in 3 levels. Silver, Gold and Platinum. Not only do they give you an entry to the spARK rewards pool but they give you access to your downlines. 3 for Silver, 9 for Gold and 15 for Platinum. They allow you to adapt a more aggressive Compounding strategy to grow your Principal Balance faster (up to 13:1 from 1:1) and also give you access to the DAO which gives you a vote on how the external investments are approached. If that wasn’t enough they also PAY you daily just for holding them and it is quite significant.

The rewards pool so far is 53820 BUSD and is split between the 201 holders at different percentages depending on which one you hold. The pool is made up of 1.5% of token sales and 20% of the sales of the NFTs and 2% is paid out everyday.

Silver offers -0.28% and have paid out $103.77

Gold offers -1.11% and have paid out $415.09

Platinum offers -2.78% and have paid out $1037.74


The ARK system is built for the Bear Market and has 3 passive income generators The Vault, The Foundation and The Legacy NFTs and all interact with each other to benefit the holders and system itself. BUT THE BEST THING is you are NEVER to late to get on the ARK it has been built for the enduser and focuses on safety, sustainability and longevity.

Join me on this journey and consider joining my team the Phoenix Syndicate by using my referral


All boats rise with the tide and so does the Phoenix!

My Telegram Username: @Brad6a

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Nothing in this article is intended as investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, always do your own due diligence this is intended as educational only.



Phoenix Syndicate

Team Builder Coach/Syndicate Founder/Admin @ ARK and Leader of The Phoenix Syndicate