PhoenixDAO Development Update — Event Marketplace Bigger and Better is Here!

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2 min readFeb 9, 2022

We’re thrilled to share an extensive list of updates are now live on the Event Marketplace! The Events dApp is now moving into a position to contend for industry disruption, 2022 is the year things really start heating up!

At the end of last year, we listed a multi-stage plan (Sprints 1–4) of high-priority improvements to the Events dApp that would occur in conjunction with new marketing and partnership pushes for PhoenixDAO.

We’re excited to report that today Sprint 1 and 2 are complete and running on main-net for you all to use!

Below is a list of key improvements

  • Multi cryptocurrency support — a big milestone for the dApp as this means users can simply purchase with the correct blockchains native currency (MATIC/ETH) or a number of other currencies such as USDT, USDC and wETH. If you would like to discuss the potential of offering your token for ticket purchases please reach out to the team via Telegram or email:
  • Users can now set a preferred token as a ‘default’ in their account settings/organizer info section. This means every time a user browses through the dApp, they will first see prices in the default chosen token.
  • Event creators have the ability to lock event ticket prices to either an amount of PHNX or a USD value.
  • Creators can also export a list of ticket buyers in CSV format with just a click. As a result, event creators now can conduct giveaways based on attendance and/or track purchases for verification purposes.
  • If users visit an event on one chain and that activity also exists on another chain, the user will be notified via message to make sure they don’t miss out.
  • If ‘one ticket per wallet’ is selected by an event creator we have built in a safeguard to prevent customers tricking the system even if they remove tickets from their wallet.
  • Event creators now have improved image upload options for banner and thumbnails, content is king after all!
  • We’ve also optimized the dApp sidebar and modified the signature pop-up message on the landing page to improve UI/UX.

We are not stopping yet. The other updates are already in view and being worked on.

What are you waiting for, go and try out the perfect platform to boost awareness for your event or find a perfect event near you.




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