PhoneGap Push Plugin 1.8.0

Suraj Pindoria
Published in
1 min readJul 26, 2016

We haven’t done a post regarding phonegap-plugin-push for awhile, but we have just released version 1.8.0! Along with bug fixes and general improvements we have also introduced support for the browser platform. To test this out you can use the PhoneGap push template to get set up quickly.

$ phonegap create myApp --template push

Currently the push plugin will on work on Chrome 49+ and Firefox 46+. Once the platform is added, you will need to serve it in order to load it from the browser.

$ phonegap platform add browser $ phonegap serve

Open your browser to localhost:{port} where {port} is specified by the output of the serve command. When the page loads it will register a subscription to push notifications and output the devices Registration ID in the developer console. From here you can test sending a push and watch as it is sent to the browser.


$ phonegap push --deviceID APA91bE1MmeTc92igNoi5OkDWUV --service gcm --payload '{ "data": { "title": "Hello", "message": "World"} }'


$ phonegap push --deviceID APA91bE1MmeTc92igNoi5OkDWUV --service gcm --payload "{ \"data\": { \"title\": \"Hello\", \"message\": \"World\"} }"

Just replace the deviceID with the one that is output in the browser. For more in depth documentation follow this guide. Give this a try and let us know what you think!

Originally published at on July 26, 2016.



Suraj Pindoria

Software Developer working on @Adobe @PhoneGap and @ApacheCordova. I enjoy basketball, hiking, and traveling.