PhoneMe App iOS/Android Update #1 — Almost there

Allan Leung
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2021

It’s been a while since we made an update to this blog. I just want to share some latest updates on the PhoneMe App for iOS and Android. Currently the development team at UBC Digital Learning Centre are on the final stages of releasing it to the public.

The iOS and Andriod App are in both a private close beta. We are trying to hop over some technical guardrails setup by the Google Playstore and the Apple AppStore. As soon as that is done, the application will be release to public. In the mean time this is what to expect our first launch to the public.

PhoneMe v1.0 Release Notes:

Explore the PhoneMe map and read/listen to poems around the world.

Search poems around the world by new, trending, tags and so much more.

You can curate your poem collection.

  • Save poems to publish at a later date
  • Delete poems

Compose and record your own poem using the phone’s microphone

You can also preview your poem

  • Add a GPS location
  • Add a picture
  • Add a tags to reach a wider audience
  • Apply different copyright license

Lastly you can share your poems with the world.

We look forward to more updates in the future and we cannot wait for this mobile application get into the hands of more users.



