PhoneMe Virtual Workshop

Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2021

Welcome to the PhoneMe Workshop!

We are excited to share our PhoneMe. place-based online poetry writing activity with you! PhoneMe is an online resource that we hope you will both find personally fulfilling and exciting, while also seeing the pedagogical potentials and benefits of using this site in your own practice. We hope you might participate in a survey designed to provide us with information about your experience of placed-based online poetry during this exceptional time of social distancing and online learning.

Please review the video below that introduces PhoneMe, the reflexive survey/activity and our study.

What we would like you to do in this step is to engage in a reflexive activity. In this activity, we will be asking a series of questions for you to think about the significance of place-based creative writings in the time of physical/social distancing.

As this was mentioned in the video, this activity also functions as an anonymous survey for our research project.

When you click on the link below, you will first be asked to read the consent form, then it will ask for your consent before you begin the survey. Remember you are not required to agree to participate, and if you do, all information will be anonymous.

Alright, let’s begin by following the link:

Fantastic! Thank you for completing the reflexive activity.

Now we are moving on to the writing activity! Please follow Rachel’s guidance.


This concludes our PhoneMe workshop today! If you submitted your poem, they will appear on the PhoneMe map within 24 hours!

As you can see, there are some online materials available on our website. Please feel free to use them in your teaching, etc.

We are currently developing a brand-new PhoneMe App! The App will be basically a PhoneMe project with social networking features! You will be able to compose, record, upload, curate your poems and connect and interact with other poets on the app!

If you are interested, please sign up for an early beta access to the app:

Thank you for your participation in PhoneMe!

Feel free to PhoneMe anytime! Number is, as you know, 604-PhoneMe (746–6363).



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Digital Literacy Centre | Language and Literacy Education | UBC