Phore 102: An Overview of Phore’s Unique Sharding Architecture and it’s Possible Effects on Africa

Kingsley Alo
Phore Blockchain Africa
4 min readAug 10, 2019

Blockchain, as we all know, has brought about the endless possibilities of application in various sectors of the world, and as the space advances in diverse ways. This further drives the need to go back to the drawing board and create real value.

What is sharding

Phore Sharding architecture applies the concept of breaking down data into shards for scalability

In simple terms, sharding refers to a type of database partitioning that aims at separating very large database into bits/shards for the purpose of enhanced speed as well as better data management and scalability.

This year, Phore blockchain has experienced a lot of transitions, one of which includes the release and implementation of (and migration to) the next-generation architecture for the sake of boosting the capacity of the platform.

The Phore synapse sharding architecture

A theoretical representation of the speed the Sharding architecture enables in Sharp contrast with other coins

Having explored all the current constraints presented to us by Bitcoin, which is agreeably the most used cryptocurrency, it becomes glaring that there is a need to enhance scalability, going by previous occurrences of lags in transactions on the Bitcoin network. This is why the team has carefully worked on a revolutionary architecture which utilizes this sharding technology to increase the capacity to process hundreds of thousands of transactions per second. This enhancement also provides the leverage of supporting high performance of fully Turing complete smart contracts which could support complex decentralised applications (Dapps) and business models, not to mention the ability to create customised shards which are optimised for different use cases without hindering interoperability between shards.

The Phore synapse sharding architecture also creates room for the full operations of a fully Decentralised governance system, this would come with enhanced capabilities, and would be achieved by allowing a much broader participation through the synapse masternode that would carry very low collateral requirements, this would also be allowed to take on staking functions which are features that are currently not available on traditional masternode platforms. Phore synapse has also brought to the table, the flexibly of allowing synapse masternode owners to run their nodes while storing PHR Offline/in cold storages such as hardware wallets.

The endless possibilities of Phore synapse sharding architecture in African countries such as Nigeria

Nigeria being the hub of cryptocurrencies and e-commerce presents huge opportunities for Phore

African countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa are quickly adapting to the endless possibilities of the use of the blockchain technology faster than the rest of the world knows, the technology is already making headways in various sectors from e-commerce, banking and finance to real estates, just to mention a few. Thanks to the accessibility of this technology around the world, anyone with a device that is connected to the internet can take advantage of it.

Traditional masternodes as we have seen in the past can be rigorous to set up, in most cases they would not just require that the users are internet savvy steady accessibility to the internet is required. Be it as it may, a lot of African countries still battle for some basic amenities such as adequate access to the internet as well as electricity. This happens to create a lot of challenges for persons from that part of the world to sufficiently enjoy or even partake in staking activities.

With the enhancement of the traditional masternode’s mode of operation, Phore synapse having created the Synapse masternode and brought the flexibly of allowing synapse masternode owners to run their nodes while storing PHR Offline/in cold storages such as hardware wallets, there is bound to be an increased level of participation from that part of the world further expanding the reach of adoption for Phore blockchain in other aspects such as e-commerce which are also viable areas.

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Kingsley Alo
Phore Blockchain Africa

A Blockchain writer and digital marketer who realised that being an enthusiast aint enough; Aspiring Blockchain programmer who ❤️ design and construction