Photo A Day


Michelle Hoffmann
Photo A Day Challenge


Concord Grapes Photo by Michelle Hoffmann

These are some of the Concord Grapes that we have growing in the backyard. You can see that a couple of them are starting to take on their signature purple color. :) This is actually quite an accomplishment — at least for us — as these grapes, we have been told, are not supposed to grow here in Central Florida. It’s too hot here.

What we’ve done to try to solve that problem, is plant squash (Butternut and Pumpkin) along side the grape vine… this allows the squash to shield the grapes from the sun. We would have had quite a good crop of grapes last year, had the birds not stolen them from us :(. This year we got smart and put up a mesh covering over the plants. Take THAT, birds! You’re NOT getting our grapes this year!

Our little Vineyard (photos by author)

Hopefully, we can get enough to make even just a small bottle of wine :-). I’ll keep you posted!



Michelle Hoffmann
Photo A Day Challenge

I am a cat-loving, nature-worshiping, & life-living abstract digital artist, photographer, writer, and poet.