5 Essential Photography Quotations You Need to Embrace

These really sum up everything you need to know about photography.

Mark Ali
Photo Dojo


The sun rises over a lake.
“Moments After Sunrise” (© Mark Ali)

Quotations are fun to read. They’re sometimes instructional, and sometimes inspirational.

There are quotations from great minds throughout the centuries, on topics of every kind.

I was reminded of this when I recently acquired an old copy of Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. It was printed in the mid-1950s, and it belonged to my father-in-law. He was a brilliant man who was as well-read as anyone I’ve ever known. If he placed an importance on quotations, enough to purchase and then keep that volume all those years, then surely the study of famous quotations is time well spent.

Photography has many quotations.

The world of photography has many treasured quotations. Hundreds of them in fact, from many famous names.

They’re not all gems, certainly.

For example, maybe the most well-known photographer, Ansel Adams, famously said this:

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.”

That’s deep, I guess. But to me, it’s just semantics. The expression “take a photograph” is intended to encompass everything that goes into “making”…



Mark Ali
Photo Dojo

I’m a writer, a photographer, a music lover, and a professional ice sculptor. I’m kidding about that last thing. (View my portfolio at: markaliphotos.com)