How I Edit My Watch Pictures

Let me guide you through the exciting world of Photoshop and composite photography, from importing to the final result!

Bruno Candeias
Photo Dojo


Before / After (Photo by Author)

Two years ago, I took an online course about product photo editing that completely changed the way I approach the photographic process. Coming from an analogue photography background, I have always been very “purist” about the whole process, trying as much as possible to preserve the original image by only making slight adjustments on light and contrast. This is fine when you’re dealing with a black and white abstract image, but when you’re editing a picture for a potential client or watch brand, you need to go the extra mile and make sure that the piece is displayed at its best and appealing way.

Disclaimer: Don’t expect this article to be a detailed tutorial, but more like a “behind the scenes” on what goes into editing a shot that might end up in a company’s website, social media or printed catalogue.

Image selection and rough composite

The first stage after importing the photos to the computer and making sure that they are well exposed and in focus is to add the selected images as a layer stack in Photoshop and start playing with them to preview the final result.



Bruno Candeias
Photo Dojo

I take photos, drink coffee, watch watches, and write about all of it.