iPhone XS vs. iPhone 12 Mini

Cassie Ring
Photo Dojo
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2021


Should you upgrade your phone for the camera?

Image by Cassie Ring

One of the most attractive features of iPhones for its users is the camera quality. As a photographer, I can’t tell you how many times I have reached for my iPhone XS to snap a quick picture.

With new iPhone models being released every year, how do you know when it’s worth the upgrade? I struggle with this every time Apple announces the next big thing. This year, I was lucky enough to have people around me upgrade to the iPhone 12 Mini.

My friend Bekah and I got together at a local park to test out five camera settings on both phones, and I’m going to share the results with you right now! If you have been considering upgrading, this might help you make your final decision.

  1. Photo Mode

The first setting we tested was the regular photo mode. We took pictures of the same sign, with the same settings, standing the same distance away. Here are our photos:

Left: Photo by Rebekah Abbott on iPhone 12 Mini; Right: Photo by Cassie Ring on iPhone XS

The biggest difference we could see between our images is how wide the view is on the photo from the iPhone 12 Mini. This was a common difference amongst most of the photos we took.



Cassie Ring
Photo Dojo

I’m just living my life with my husband, my dog, and my camera.