Sleeting Moments

Photo Dojo
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2019

Like the old saying goes, if you go out in the rain, you’re gonna get wet. But what if that rain is frozen, will you still get wet? I’m afraid the answer is, eventually. However, freezing rain is more enjoyable to capture moments in than very cold rain . You don’t actually get wet right away, so you don’t feel as cold if you were soaked from the rain.

I try not to let bad weather stop me from taking photos. In fact, I like to purposefully head out in rain or snow. Or in this case, sleet. I think it just makes for really dynamic photos and moments that you just would not get on a sunny or cloudy day. The downside is, the ground is extremely slippery so you really need to watch your step.

Let’s just start this off with some umbrellas ok?
It was snowing, but now it’s sleeting. [Hence the title!]
The color scheme is strong here.
Objects in mirror are colder than they appear.
Keep your distance
Scenes from our next episode.
I got my eye on you.

All photos were taken with a Fuji X-T2 and a 50mm lens. All words were typed with a mechanical keyboard.



Photo Dojo

NYC based photographer. You can find me wandering with with my camera and my dog. Find me on IG: