Introducing: The Photographer’s Ethical Toolkit

Savannah Dodd
Photography Ethics Centre
2 min readSep 26, 2018
Artwork created by Eleanor Shakespeare for the Thomson Foundation to illustrate the online course

The Photography Ethics Centre was founded less than one year ago with the intention of raising awareness about ethics across the photography industry and around the world.

Before the Photography Ethics Centre was founded, when it was just an idea, we knew that we were biting off more than we could chew. How could a small organisation possibly tackle such an enormous task? We knew that we would never be able to cover enough ground to make a dent in this global problem.

The solution, we decided, is online training.

We are now thrilled to unveil our first online training programme: The Photographer’s Ethical Toolkit. This course is designed to be a first step in understanding photography ethics. It provides a broad overview of key ethical principles, and applies to anyone who regularly takes or shares photographs.

Best of all, we are offering it free to everyone, worldwide.

Of course, online training alone cannot replicate the kind of learning that happens in a classroom. That is why we are complimenting it with discussion forums, live video chats, and peer-to-peer interaction.

Our first live video chat will take place on Friday, October 12th. It will be hosted on Facebook by the Thomson Foundation, and it will be open for anyone to join to learn more about photography ethics.

Before you jump into the course, you might first want to know what exactly we mean when we talk about photography ethics.

Are you not sure if online training in photography ethics is right for you? You can take use our self-assessment tool to check!

