October Creative Editing

Photoshop Updates, October 2020

Lori Lankford
Photo Lab
3 min readNov 16, 2020


Use the latest Adobe Photoshop updates to add creative touches to your images.

I have been playing around with some of the new features and how I can use them with creative editing. There are three updates that I will share with you — Sky Replacement, Neural Filters, Quick Actions. If you are new to Photoshop, want to reduce your editing time, or new to creative editing, these three new updates will be exciting for you to try. Let’s jump in!

Edited with sky replacement and a Neural Filter
Before Image — SOOC

First, sky replacement. I am very excited about this new feature in PS. I have played around with this new feature, and PS does an excellent job of replacing the sky and relighting the scene. The great news with this new option is you can add your own sky images. The sky replacement feature is located under Edit > Sky Replacement. The video at the bottom of this post will walk you through how to use it with an image.

The second new creative tool is Neural Filters. This is an exciting new AI-based feature in PS. There are lots of options available currently and some in Beta testing. I will demonstrate how to use Style Filters. These filters are a great way to add texture and color to your image in a non-destructive and quick way. Check out the Adobe site to learn more about how to use all the Neural Filter options. To access the new filter, go to Filter >Neural Filter> Style Transfers.

Last but certainly not least is the added Discover panel with Quick Action functions. These are new tools that do quick steps to remove the background and blur the background. With one step, PS will do all the work for you. Once the quick action is complete, you can still tweak and make your own adjustments to the layers. This is a great step if you are new to PS or dislike removing backgrounds as much as I do. To access the new Discover panel at any time in Photoshop:

  • Use Cmd/Ctrl + F keyboard shortcut
  • Click the Search icon () at the upper-right of the interface
  • Choose Help > Photoshop Help from the menu bar

The video below will show you how I used all three of these new tools to edit a couple of images. They are all straightforward to use but can help you create a magical image! Have fun trying them out!

Originally published at https://www.lorilankford.com.

