Cat Z

Jennifer Chen
Photo Stories A
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2020
Cat Z

This cat is called Cat-Z, and it is a quite strange name for a pet. Anyway, sometimes we just call this cutie “Z” as his nickname. Approximately 5 years ago, a college student whose name is Ricky adopted the stray kitty with his roommate. Ricky loves Z so much; thus before their graduation, he negotiated with his roommate about “the custody”. At last, Ricky’s roommate agreed with Ricky smoothly and he keeps Z until now.

Ricky comforted Z because Z felt nervous when visiting the vet.

Z is a smart and fantastic cat. First of all, he knows his name. Whenever Ricky calls him, he must come to him except the eating and sleeping time. Secondly, Z loves Ricky as well. Every night, when Ricky lies in his bed, Z always comes quickly in his bed, then lies on Ricky’s chest for stroking him and finally sleeps between Ricky’s legs slightly during the whole night. Thirdly, Z is a very likable cat. He is willing to make friends with other people or other cats. Z purrs as Ricky strokes its fur and it makes him feel satisfied and therapeutic. Being with Z gets him in a good mood. Especially during Ricky’s preparation for the exams for the master, he appreciated Z’s company.

Z is a good companion.
Z slept between legs.

Z’s weakness is water. Z is afraid of water, and he does not like taking the shower even the frequency of taking shower is only twice a year on average. After taking a walk with Z outside, Ricky must help Z take a shower. However, Z meows loudly when taking the shower as if the end of the world is coming. Z hates it obviously. However, the funniest fact is that Z always wants to go into the bathroom and meows very loudly outside the door when Ricky is taking a shower. Maybe Z just worries about Ricky when hearing persistent splash sound of water.

The first time Z climbed the tree.

Z has some bad habits. For example, Z likes biting things especially Ricky’s clothing or cables. It happens often. Ricky’s 3 cables of mouses were bitten by Z, and definitely, all of them were broken. Initially, Ricky was bothered by this problem and pissed him off, but now, he gets used to it even changes his storage system to prevent biting. After Z makes trouble, he always picks up the slack. It clearly explains that cats can change humans’ habits. No wonder it is said that cats can enslave humans even rein over the world on the internet.

Z loves bitting (one of his ways to show his love).
Z loves bitting socks (not showing his love).

Z creates a lot of precious memories for Ricky. No matter they made Ricky pleased, furious, or touched, they are the best treasure in the world for him.

