The Savior of my life

Alice Peng
Photo Stories A
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2020
My cat — Momo

Everyone who saw my phone, my computer, and my profile pictures will know that I am one hundred percent cat-lover. What made me become a cat-lover?

The fourth year in university is the year that I would never want to go back because I was an exchange student in Korea, so I needed to take a lot of courses to let me graduate on time. At that time, I was so exhausted and helpless. Everything was just like stones that I needed to carry every day. I under lots of pleasure and pain. When I wanted to do something, there was a voice that told me,“ Don’t do that, you will fail, and your life will become a mess.” At that time, I hated myself and didn’t believe I could do something successfully.

Fortunately, my cat, Momo, came to our home. At first, I didn’t agree to have a cat because we never fed a cat before. However, after I saw Momo and got along with him, I don’t know why but I felt relief and recovery. Let me forget what suffered me and can take a rest from my life.

Now, I still sometimes hate myself or don’t believe in myself, but after I got along with Momo, he is just like my savior who saves me from a bad mood.



Alice Peng
Photo Stories A

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