The Unforgettable Journey in Korea

Alice Peng
Photo Stories A
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2020

I had been in Korean for half a year in 2018. The time there is really an important period in my life. I experienced a lot of different things there and met lots of wonderful people.

My roommate and I

The first person I met was my roommate, she is from Malaysia so that at first, we didn’t have any problems communicating with each other. And later I found out that she can also speak English, Japanese and Korean, so our communications were full of different languages in one sentence but we still can understand each other clearly.

Lunch with friends from different countries

Second, are my classmates in different classes. All of us are from different countries, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Korea, France, and America. With them were a lot of fun and some culture shock sometimes. Like we had lunch in an Italian restaurant and the Korean friend order a cheese pizza, then the server served it with honey. When I was wondering what was the honey for, she just grabbed a piece of pizza and dipped with honey! I was so shock and asked her why she did that. And she replied to me that in Korea, they all eat this kind of pizza with honey and it was really good. At first, I didn’t believe her, but I still tried one bite. THAT WAS SOOOO GOOD!!! I still cannot forget that flavor! After that time, I tried it so many times!

My classmates in Korean classes

Third, are my classmates in Korean classes. All of us were exchanged students so that we knew how hard and how exciting it would be in the future. We went out several times, tried the famous 31 (Baskin Robbins) ice cream in Korea and went to Itaewon for taking pictures and the night clubs hahaha. Itaewon is really a special place in Seoul. When I went there, it just like a foreign country, neither Korea nor other Asian countries. So free and full of western foreigners!

Korean friend, Sery

Then, it is my Korean friend, Sery, she really helped me a lot in Korea. As she is Korean, she had come to Taiwan for an exchanged program, so she knew Taiwan and can speak a little Chinese too. So, we were doing the language exchanged together, she helped me in Korean and I help her to review Chinese.

First fan club event!

Last but not the least, I attracted by a Korean idol, Eun Ji Won, and because of him, I entered the fan club’s event and also went to his fan meeting concert in Taiwan. 8th June is his birthday, and some of his fan clubs would cooperate with some café shops, so in June, I went through most of the café shops in Seoul to collect the cup with his photos.

Those days in Korea let me meet lots of the greatest people and the most interesting things in my life, so in my mind, Seoul is just like my second hometown where I really want to go back regularly. Actually, I was planned to go back to Korea in this term break because I think that if I don’t go this time, I will have to wait years to have time to go back. However, because of the coronavirus, my trip was canceled. Although I felt sad and pity, I think I will find the right time to go back there again and meet my friends there.



Alice Peng
Photo Stories A

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