Overcome fear with love

Shelly Lin
Photo Stories B
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2020

How much do you believe an adorable newborn creature can change a person’s personality?

When Natt was 3, he had been scared by a big dog on the street. Since then, he became extremely afraid of dogs; no matter it is a big, small or cute dog. When he saw any dogs nearby, he would either scream loudly or run away quickly.

Lucy, on the other hand, is a girl who loves animals so much. She even participated in several Animal Protection Associations as a volunteer. Her dream is to be an international vet to help animals grow up healthily.

Lucy is a friend of Natt’s from elementary school. On one occasion, while they were taking a stroll, they heard a little wailing in the bushes. And they found a baby dog just born crying for food. Under Lucy’s persuasion, Natt overcame fear and helped Lucy wash the dog. He started to feel like this small dog was super cute. It was a big step that Natt was able to hold it in his hands carefully. Although Natt was still quite scared, he made a big progress holding this baby dog. The way Natt held made it like a seal, and then he started to laugh because of its’ cuteness. Natt felt less insecure as Lucy tried to teach him how to love the dog. Later on, they decided to raise this cute dog together and named it “Love”.

