Discussion with Chief Marketing Officer, Haris Rana

Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2018

Tell us how you discovered Photochain or how it discovered you and what made you want to join the team?

I was approached by Stanislav (Co-founder and CEO) when Photochain was still in its infancy and without any other team members other than the two founders. At the time I had recently been discussing the use of blockchain in the creative industry within my circles, but didn’t feel existing projects went deep enough in terms of what they gave to individuals. After one meeting with the founders I was convinced about the vision for Photochain and the technology was just what photographers needed to revolutionise the industry around them.

Where did you think you could help with your skills and your experience?

I initially began my own career in the blockchain industry as a writer. From the moment I heard about the technology I understood the potential social, economic and even political impact it would have. I wanted to share my passion for the technology with others and help to promote those projects with show us what blockchain really is about. Not only is Photochain a great technological project, there is an underlying ethos about giving power back to content creators. This is a message I want to spread.

How do see Photochain amongst the big stock photography players and how will it cope in the market?

Currently photostocks do not favour the photographers. With their rigid systems, they make it harder for beginners to make a decent living from their art, which I think is highly unfair. Photochain brings the power back to the photographers so that they can control their own fate in the photography industry much better. We’ve already received a high interest from photographers and I believe we’ll be able to take a good portion of the stock photography market.

What makes Photochain so different?

That the photographers and their works becomes the centre of the industry, and not the businesses. Photochain gives freedom to the photographers — it removes the stresses of the industry in all aspects (payment, copyright, reaching your audience). In this respect it should lead to more photographers being able to take up their hobby full time and better, more beautiful photography for us all to see.

Where do you see Photochain in a crypto future?

We are starting to see lots of industries having utility based tokens competing with traditional industries. Blockchain provides a way of communication and way of transacting that we haven’t been able to achieve before, not to mention the security aspect. I think soon enough we will see leading crypto projects in all major industries and Photochain will be the leader in the photostock industry.

Tell us a story about particular photo


As an amateur hobby photographer, I have a few favourite photos of my own. But I think this photo of a painting of my energy is my favourite. This was done by girlfriend who is an artist and it captures my own energy and my own potential. I feel a really close personal connection to this painting and when I need some inspiration I can get lost staring into it, always noticing something new each time.




Using blockchain technology, Photochain returns the control over #licensing, #copyright, and trading back to #photographers, enabling fairer stock #photography.