Discussion with our Security Advisor, Alexander Sverdlov

Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2018

Tell us how you discovered Photochain or how it discovered you and what made you want to join the team?

I was contacted by a Photochain team member — Ralf — who found me on LinkedIn due to my numerous articles on cyber security and my experience. He believed that cyber security should be a fundamental part of Photochain and build it in the project from the start — so he suggested I would become an adviser at this point.

Where did you think you could help with your skills and your experience?

All startups more or less have the same issues when it comes to security — they ignore it until it becomes a problem, due to their MVP mindset. I could help prevent that by building security into the project from the start — ensuring it is resilient to attacks before they hurt the business in any way.

How do see Photochain amongst the big stock photography players and how will it cope in the market?

Stock photography is under a monopoly today. Even though there are many stock photo websites out there, all of them act as a monopoly — reserving the right to a huge part of the sales margin from every photo sold, reserving control over rights to sell particular photos on their platform only, etc. Photochain is here to change all that by giving power back to the people.

What makes Photochain so different?

There are competitors in this space — but all of them are just at the marketing stage, with no working product. We have been working for a long time on a product and have already released an MVP. We also have a very strong and motivated team!

Where do you see Photochain in a crypto future?

The decentralized world where crypto currencies and utility tokens rule is not the future — it is the present and it is expanding rapidly. We are going to take our space among the photographers who use stock photos to make a living. We’ll do this by giving them the best platform to make money at — with the most freedom at their fingertips.

Tell us a story about particular photo

Yes — I am an extreme sports fan and this one is a photo from the Arabian Peninsula desert near Dubai — it brings the perspective that even in a desert, you can still enjoy life to the fullest. And in the desert of stock photo websites, you can experience the oasis of Photochain, which gives you a refreshing opportunity to make more money, under less control — welcome to the decentralized future!




Using blockchain technology, Photochain returns the control over #licensing, #copyright, and trading back to #photographers, enabling fairer stock #photography.