Photochain partners with community blockchain accelerator Wemerge

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2 min readJun 28, 2018

Photochain have partnered with community blockchain accelerator Wemerge, in our pursuit for a global user base. With a Pan Asia-Pacific network of angel investors; experienced entrepreneurs and proven managers, Wemerge are working to support blockchain mainstream adoption and they view Photochain as a project with high public potential in the photography space.

Wemerge are solving the problem of determining the good blockchain projects from the bad, acting as a lighthouse in the sea of cryptocurrency. This sea is full of many projects, but not all will be successful. So how do the public know which projects are worthy to grow and to invest their money and their time into? Wemerge are solving this by building their own community of educated blockchain enthusiasts.

For Photochain, we are supported by Wemerge’s community as they hold events, meetups, beta tests, photo competitions and much more — in order to boost Photochain’s mainstream adoption. These occasions will become centre points for the crypto community, entrepreneurs, experts and enthusiasts to meet, learn and share about high quality blockchain use cases like Photochain.

In parallel to the partnership, WeMerge has completed a substantial contribution to the Photochain token sale. We are delighted to have WeMerge as a “smart money” backer of our project who bring not only financial support, but the immeasurable value of their strong network and extensive community.

With Wemerge scrutinizing the blockchain market for strong blockchain use cases, Photochain was recommended to them by our world renown advisor Willson Lee, who sits on both the Photochain and Wemerge advisory teams.

This is a partnership with great benefit for both and is an excellent example of the collaborative power needed between blockchain companies, in order to rapidly grow the blockchain industry. We need initiatives to support mass adoption and we need projects that are suited for mass adoption too — together blockchain and society benefits.




Using blockchain technology, Photochain returns the control over #licensing, #copyright, and trading back to #photographers, enabling fairer stock #photography.