Founder’s Journal — Project update #1

Photo Chromic
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2021

PhotoChromic reflects on its journey thus far

Building PhotoChromic is the greatest adventure we could have hoped for. We are running on pure adrenalin most of the time. So when someone asked us recently “ What keeps you so busy?” we paused, breathed, and reflected on our journey so far.

This pause gave rise to the drafting of our Founder’s Journal. Here is our first entry.

In October, we completed our private token sale to an influential group of strategic investors, the first burst of validation that we’re focussing our energy in the right direction.

In November, we built credibility and established deep relationships with strategic partners. Our partnerships spanned across the identity, wallet, NFT and DeFi arenas, culminating in the public capital raise on CardStarter which was 125x oversubscribed.

In December, we have been razor-focused on advancing our MVP towards the 80% completion milestone. Our marketing strategy has borne significant dividends in anticipation of our CEX and DEX listing in Q1 of 2022.

So far, in December, we have been featured in the most well-respected publications worldwide including:

So what does the new year have in store for PhotoChromic?

We will further refine our Product Roadmap, as well as launch the NFT DAO, and deliver the ERC-20 governance token.

The Q1 PhotoChromic roadmap includes:

  • Further advances towards our Centralised Exchange Listing
  • Further advances towards our Decentralised Exchange Listing
  • The PhotoSapiens NFT Launch — empowering our Gen1 DAO to steer the long term vision of PhotoChromic
  • Governance protocol opens to ERC-20 token holders
  • Work continues on the core product, including biometric identity verification and launch of non-transferrable NFTs.

Despite months of 16 hour days, we are more energized than ever.

We are humbled by the biometric opportunities that PhotoChromic unlocks. PhotoChromic is the world’s biometric passport to the Metaverse.

And we are inspired to be part of its design.

To our partners and strategic investors

It is an honor and a privilege to partner with some of the greatest start-ups in the world. Behind the scenes, our partners and strategic investors provide us with invaluable support, inspiration and encouragement. We look around us and we are inspired by the lego blocks created by our partners. We count ourselves lucky to stand in your company and we look forward to playing a critical role in your ground-breaking journeys.

To our fellow Chromies

Thank you for your relentless support at the IDO and for your tireless energy on all community platforms. The future of the Metaverse is within reach.

May 2022 be a year of abundance, upward spirals and liberty for you, your families, and your identities.

PhotoChromic is your passport to the Metaverse and the abundance. Thank you for trusting us with its design.

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Photo Chromic

Photochromic tokenizes peoples’ identities through an NFT that is programmable, universally addressable and digitally secured.