PhotoChromic’s Strategic Adaptation Amidst Crypto Industry Evolution

Photo Chromic
Published in
8 min readMay 10, 2023


The blockchain ecosystem has witnessed significant changes in the last six months, with market volatility and shifting investor sentiment challenging even the most innovative projects. PhotoChromic has been adapting its focus and energy to stay abreast of this dynamic environment. In this article, we discuss the current state of the market, the challenges faced by projects, and how PhotoChromic is sharpening its vision and roadmap to navigate these changes effectively.

Current Market Landscape

The cryptocurrency industry is currently caught in a chicken-and-egg dilemma. Corporations are hesitant to expedite the exploration and development of Web3 strategies without clear regulations in place. Without regulations, they face considerable downside risks by entering the Web3 sphere. However, in the United States, political factors have overshadowed technological and innovative aspects of the crypto industry. Consequently, corporations are adopting a cautious approach to their development roadmap.

PhotoChromic’s Strategic Ambitions

Amidst these challenges, PhotoChromic has formulated a three-pronged strategy to ensure its continued success in the evolving blockchain ecosystem:

  1. Monitor and Support the Regulatory Environment
    PhotoChromic will keep a close watch on the regulatory landscape and actively support the development of a favorable environment for the cryptocurrency industry, particularly in the UK and Europe.
  2. Foster DeFi Innovation
    PhotoChromic recognizes the potential of decentralized finance (DeFi) and will actively support innovation in this sector, leveraging its expertise and resources to drive growth and adoption, supporting projects as an infrastructure element
  3. Position as a “Web2.5” Player
    PhotoChromic aims to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 by positioning itself as a “Web2.5” player. This strategy will enable the company to capitalize on opportunities arising from the transition between the two paradigms, and assist corporates making a similar move.

The Importance of Regulation

UK’s Ambitious Goals:

The introduction of a comprehensive regulatory regime for cryptoassets is crucial, particularly in the UK and Europe. In April 2022, the UK government announced its commitment to establishing a new regulatory framework for cryptoassets, addressing both the risks and opportunities they present. This consultation paper represents the next phase in the government’s approach, building upon earlier HM Treasury proposals focused on stablecoins and the financial promotion of cryptoassets.

The UK government’s proposals aim to position the nation’s financial services sector at the forefront of cryptoasset technology and innovation. By creating a conducive environment for cryptoasset service providers to operate and grow in the UK, the government seeks to manage potential consumer and stability risks effectively. Rishi Sunak, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, expressed his ambition to make the UK a global hub for cryptoasset technology.

Informed by Market Events

The proposed regulatory measures have been influenced by recent market events, such as the failure of FTX, which underlines the need for effective regulation and sector engagement.

PhotoChromic’s Support for the UK Finance Paper

PhotoChromic has actively supported the drafting of the UK Finance paper on the NFT market, with our regulatory-friendly use case featured on page 47. This report seeks to enhance market understanding and provide clarity on NFTs and the broader digital assets ecosystem. By outlining how digital assets function, how they are regulated, and how financial institutions can use them for better infrastructure and product development, the report demystifies the often confusing terminology associated with the industry.

By embracing the proposed regulatory changes in the UK and Europe, PhotoChromic aims to ensure that an ethical and innovative market can flourish while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders in the cryptoasset space.

European Parliament Adopts MiCA in Landmark Regulatory Approval

On April 20th, 2023, the European Parliament granted its final approval to the new Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA), marking a significant milestone in the evolution of the crypto industry. MiCA is the first harmonized EU framework governing crypto-assets and aims to enable market players to diversify their businesses by developing a crypto-asset strategy. This regulation is expected to provide a legal framework with robust safeguards for previously non-regulated crypto-assets, as well as for service providers engaged in the business, ultimately benefiting the consumer.

Key Objectives of MiCA

The Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation has four primary objectives:

  • Legal Certainty: Establishing a comprehensive legal framework for crypto-assets within its scope, which are not covered by existing financial services legislation.
  • Support for Innovation and Fair Competition: Promoting the development of crypto-assets by instituting a safe and proportionate framework to encourage innovation and maintain a level playing field.
  • Consumer, Investor, and Market Integrity Protection: Addressing the risks associated with crypto-assets to protect consumers, investors, and market integrity.
  • Financial Stability: Ensuring safeguards are in place to address potential risks to financial stability.

A Path to Adoption

The collaboration of several credible countries and nation-state unions in establishing a regulatory framework and best practices will pave the way for the first wave of widespread crypto adoption. As the industry continues to mature, regulatory approvals like MiCA will play a crucial role in shaping the future of crypto-assets and fostering a secure and innovative ecosystem.

The Potential Explosion of DeFi with Regulatory Frameworks in Place

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) systems are among the most significant emerging technologies in the blockchain ecosystem, often incompatible with traditional financial regulatory frameworks. DeFi applications, designed as an alternative to trusted financial intermediaries, benefit from blockchain’s radical transparency, reduced barriers to entry through open-source code, and the advantages of decentralization provided by permissionless systems.

The “trustless” design of DeFi allows users to engage in peer-to-peer transactions without reliance on third parties, reducing risks associated with information asymmetries in traditional markets and enabling users to maintain more control over their assets. Conversely, traditional finance relies on regulation to maintain the honesty of intermediaries, a system that has frequently failed and cannot be genuinely trustless.

Addressing Unique Risks

Despite its advantages, DeFi can pose unique risks that existing regulatory frameworks are ill-equipped to handle. Therefore, a tailored regulatory framework is essential, focusing on regulating DeFi applications and businesses rather than protocols or software. Businesses can comprehend and comply with jurisdictional regulations, while globally accessible software cannot.

Unlocking DeFi’s Potential

As Web3 developers create the next wave of use cases, they empower Web2 companies to integrate Web3 into their existing technology stacks. This presents a multi-trillion-dollar opportunity, enabling developers, startups, entrepreneurs, and established businesses to disrupt and reinvent industries, from finance and payments to gaming, insurance, carbon markets, and beyond.

In traditional finance, derivative markets dwarf spot markets, representing trillions in notional value within the global economy. To unleash DeFi’s growth potential, on-chain derivatives must expand. This expansion requires additional types of data to be made available on-chain reliably (including metadata) and new methods of delivering data on-chain (e.g., low latency).

With regulatory frameworks in place, DeFi has the potential to explode, revolutionizing industries and reshaping the financial landscape. As the blockchain ecosystem continues to mature, embracing regulatory changes will be crucial to unlocking the full potential of DeFi and fostering innovation in the space.

Chainlink’s Role in Expanding DeFi and PhotoChromic’s Collaboration

DeFi has only begun to tap into its potential, with vast amounts of data yet to be brought on-chain. Each new segment of data can disrupt entire industries and create immense value. Chainlink aims to expand its data platform footprint, particularly by adding more data feeds onto various chains and introducing a new mechanism to enable the on-chain derivatives market.

As the industry-standard Web3 services platform, Chainlink allows Web3 developers to build the next wave of use cases and helps Web2 companies integrate Web3 into their existing technology stacks. This opens up the multi-trillion-dollar Web3 opportunity, providing developers, startups, entrepreneurs, and established businesses the means to disrupt and reinvent industries ranging from finance and payments to gaming, insurance, carbon markets, and beyond.

PhotoChromic and Chainlink: All in on Privacy

Privacy-sensitive data represents a significant opportunity for Web3 developers. Allowing consumers to prove things about themselves without revealing their private information not only unlocks many valuable use cases but also embodies a core principle of Web3.

Chainlink DECO is a privacy-preserving oracle protocol that enables individuals and businesses to prove the provenance of data coming from a specific data source to an oracle and to prove arbitrary statements over that data in zero-knowledge. These unique capabilities allow a vast amount of valuable data — currently locked behind Web2 APIs — to be accessed and used in a trust-minimized and privacy-preserving manner for various novel use cases.

PhotoChromic is collaborating with Chainlink as an early participant in DECO, a partnership highlighted in Chainlink’s Q1 2023 update. By working together, PhotoChromic and Chainlink aim to unlock the full potential of DeFi while maintaining a strong focus on privacy and security.

Other Strategic Initiatives for PhotoChromic

PhotoChromic’s primary focus is on supporting regulatory-friendly blockchain adoption and gaining traction through use cases in the DeFi space. Although most of our work is subject to strict NDAs, preventing the disclosure of specific project details or involved companies, we are actively working on several strategic initiatives, including:

  • Token Research and Trading Platform Partnership: Collaborating with a token research and trading business to offer members a KYC-compliant means of trading the tokens they have researched.
  • Web3 Creator Platform Partnership: Partnering with a Web3 creator platform to provide identity verification for market participants, ensuring a secure and compliant environment for creators and users.
  • CBDC Issuer Collaboration: Working alongside an acclaimed Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) issuer to facilitate trade finance verification, streamlining cross-border transactions and reducing friction in global trade.

These strategic initiatives exemplify PhotoChromic’s commitment to fostering innovation in the blockchain and DeFi spaces while adhering to regulatory requirements and ensuring security and privacy for all stakeholders.


PhotoChromic’s strategy is centered around adapting to the uncertainty in the blockchain ecosystem. The company is committed to supporting regulatory development, fostering DeFi innovation, and positioning itself as a “Web2.5” player to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3.

In the UK and Europe, governments are actively working on creating regulatory frameworks for crypto assets. These frameworks aim to support innovation, protect consumers, and ensure financial stability. As these regulations take shape, DeFi has the potential to revolutionize industries and reshape the financial landscape. Developers, startups, and established businesses can harness DeFi’s advantages, such as transparency and decentralization, to disrupt various sectors.

Chainlink plays a crucial role in unlocking DeFi’s full potential by expanding its data platform to bring more data on-chain. PhotoChromic is collaborating with Chainlink to develop privacy-focused solutions using Chainlink DECO, a privacy-preserving oracle protocol. This partnership allows both companies to drive innovation while maintaining a strong focus on privacy and security.

In addition to working with Chainlink, PhotoChromic is involved in multiple initiatives to support regulatory-friendly blockchain adoption and promote DeFi use cases. These initiatives include partnerships with a token research and trading business, a Web3 creator platform, and a CBDC issuer. By focusing on regulatory development, DeFi innovation, and strategic partnerships, PhotoChromic is well-positioned to thrive in the ever-evolving blockchain ecosystem.

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About PhotoChromic

PhotoChromic introduces a unique use case for non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) by integrating them with user identity, to develop a biometrically managed model of Self-Sovereign Identity (“SSI”) on the Blockchain. Using NFTs, PhotoChromic aims to make identity programmable, verifiable, universally addressable, and digitally secured.

Powered by an ERC-20 token, $PHCR, running on the Ethereum blockchain, PhotoChromic addresses the current challenges faced by people the world over, as they pursue ownership over, and the ability to secure, their identity. PhotoChromic gives control and ownership of user identity back to the individual, where it belongs.



Photo Chromic

Photochromic tokenizes peoples’ identities through an NFT that is programmable, universally addressable and digitally secured.