Why Street Photography?

Trevor Rex Gavin
Photograph IO
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2015

What attracts people to street photography? I asked myself this same question trying to figure out why I was so attracted to it. After listening to a few podcasts one day, it all started to make sense to me. I started to see why I obsess over it. For some reason I never really knew why? I was always drawn out of the house with my camera seeking and looking for stories, juxtapositions and interesting people.

When I’m out making photos in different cities, it’s a journey. An exploration of the unknown. The whole day is unpredictable. Anything can happen. I can meet a number of interesting people, find myself in many different places, and in the end know that whatever pictures I create will never be recreated. Think about it. Never again will that moment happen just the way it played out. Nor will I be able to capture it the same way. That is my main attraction. Everything is unique. It can’t and won’t be replicated.

I’ve always been attracted to documentary storytelling so this type of photography fits right in.

A Growing Experience

After I figured that out other things started to fall into place. I’m an introvert. Being an introvert, going out into the streets taking pictures of strangers and at times getting into their personal space, makes me feel really uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. After a while I started to enjoy the uncomfortable feeling. I liked that feeling because it was forcing me to grow. I’m teaching myself how to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations. I learn to talk to random people more than I ever would. The camera is the device that bridges that gap. It’s conversation starter, or it’s something to hide behind. I’ll sometimes just keep the camera to my face looking through the viewfinder as I’m walking down the street as to be more discreet and not seem like I’m focusing directly on my subject. I guess I think that whatever subject I’m focusing on thinks I’m actual focusing on something else. I don’ know? That what I like to tell myself.

For there’s I use the camera to start the conversation. I tend to use “oh I’m just testing out a new camera, you mind if I snap a portrait?” Typically the answer is yes, or some form of yes. You’d be surprised. I actually fell into this trap one day and didn’t even know it. I hate taking pictures but when caught off guard I just said yes and posed. Weird.

All in all, street photography is an adventure. Everyday you can be on that adventure, wether it’s walking around San Franciso all day or from your car to the office. You never know what you’ll come across. Keep your camera by your side…always!



Trevor Rex Gavin
Photograph IO

Owner + Creative Director of ALCHEMYcreative a Video Production Agency - Filmmaker and Photography