Scott Wyden Kivowitz
Photographer’s Life
2 min readJun 13, 2017


It can be argued either way that newborn photos are about the parents or the newborn.You see

You see, newborns obviously don’t know what is going on. They just stay where you put them, and sometimes wiggle from whatever spot you put them.

So really newborn photos are for the parents. For them to print, and share and show off their beautiful new baby.

Eventually, newborn photos are no longer about the parents. Morbid, I know. Eventually, the newborn photos are about the newborn, who becomes an adult.

When approaching newborn photography, I tend to take an uncommon approach. I bring the parents into the frame, even with the paernts, not the focal point.

Newborn Photos Are About The Parents

In this first photo, I included just the dad. But as you can see, he’s not looking at the camera. He’s holding his newborn baby boy and looking down at his beautiful eyes.

Newborn Photos Are About The Newborn

And in this photo, I had both parents doing the same as before. The overhead view brings a visual scale into the scene to show just how tiny the newborn is.

One of the reasons for sharing this is to prove a point that newborn photos do not have to be in a studio environment. They do not have to be in your home. You do not have to do the common newborn photo. You can go outside, and try something different.

Newborn Photos Are About The Parents. Newborn Photos Are About The Newborn was originally published by Scott Wyden Kivowitz.

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Scott Wyden Kivowitz is a photographer, blogger, father, author and educator. Scott is also the Community & Blog Wrangler at Imagely. Connect with him on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. If you like what you read, how about pushing the ♥ button below? Not only does that give my article more reach, the karma headed your way is awesome.

