Ryan Carver

Matthew Rechs, NYC

September 2013

Ryan Carver
Photographic Pairings
1 min readOct 3, 2013


My third trip to New York. Second time really; one was mostly a hangover.

The entire purpose of the visit was for Matthew’s 40th birthday. A surprise party, on a boat. We did a few other things during our four days on the ground. The Museum of Natural History, a playground in Central Park, a lovely dinner. But this moment, the one where Matthew stands alone at the bow of the boat, drink in hand, the city behind him; that’s why I came. That’s why I brought the camera.

He’s expectedly distant. I only get three shots before he’s back to the party. One of them is worth a second look; the light was low, ISO 200 is terrible and I pushed the exposure too far. It’s what we got, but it makes him happy. It’s Matthew as he looked on September 29, 2013, pretty fucking pleased with self.



Ryan Carver
Photographic Pairings

I make software, photographs, and rock music. Previously: VSCO, Adobe, Typekit, Google.