Pigeon Toed

Photographs, Photography & Words
2 min readAug 15, 2019
Katheryn — Photograph — Alex Waterhouse-Hayward

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pigeon toe, also known as in-toeing, is a condition which causes the toes to point inward when walking. It is most common in infants and children under two years of age and, when not the result of simple muscle weakness, normally arises from underlying conditions, such as a twisted shin bone or an excessive anteversion (femoral head is more than 15° from the angle of torsion) resulting in the twisting of the thigh bone when the front part of a person’s foot is turned in.

Fortune has been on my side in showering me with the opportunity to meet and photograph women of unusual beauty. I can remember thre in particular. The first was my wife Rosemary. I saw her (walking away) in Mexico City leaving a school where she taught English (and so did I but I had never seen her until that moment). What I saw was perfectly straight, very long blonde hair, a micro mini-skirt and the most beautiful legs I had ever seen (before that they were my mother’s fine legs).

A second woman I also saw from the rear. She was at a Ballet BC rehearsal. This was a woman with dark hair in a bun (a dancer what do you expect?). She was waddling away from me most gracefully (imagine a duck from the Paris Opera Ballet). I touched her shoulder. She turned around and I asked her who she was. “I am Sandrine Cassini. I am new here. I started at the Paris Opera Ballet when I was 14.”

A third was and is Kethryn Petersen who walks gracefully and most straight. But then how would you explain this shot?

References in classic literature (Web Page here to view in context)

Well, if we’ve lost the road we must find it,’ said Nikita curtly, and getting out and stepping lightly on his pigeon-toed feet he started once more going about on the snow.

Keggs was a man — one must use that word, though it seems grossly inadequate — of medium height, pigeon-toed at the base, bulgy half-way up, and bald at the apex.

HERE was Burnley’s pigeon-toed but enormously effective Leighton James.

Leighton the day for left-back’s namesakes

Skeletal, almost pigeon-toed in its awkwardness, it looks unassuming, but in 2006 its introduction was a design achievement.

the daughter begins to walk, it is apparent that she ambles pigeon-toed.

Link to: Pigeon Toed



Photographs, Photography & Words

Into Bunny Watson. I am a Vancouver-based magazine photographer/writer. I have a popular daily blog which can be found at:http://t.co/yf6BbOIQ alexwh@telus.net