© UNICEF/UN02843/Gilbertson VII

Born into conflict

Every two seconds, a child takes his or her first breath in a conflict zone.

Photography and social change
3 min readDec 17, 2015


Among refugee and migrant children on the move, the risks to newborns and mothers are especially acute. Worldwide, more than 16 million babies were born into conflict this year.

© UNICEF/UN04039/Gilbertson VII

Refugee and migrant flows into Europe remain at an unprecedented high. Among the most vulnerable are small children who require special attention and monitoring. One-month-old Youssef, born by caesarean section, journeys through the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia with his family towards a new life.

© UNICEF/UN04038/Gilbertson VII

Forced to flee the Syrian Arab Republic without proper follow-up care, former psychology teacher Nour Majati’s wounds opened up on their journey in near freezing conditions. Compounded by the cold, Nour is often ill and her body remains swollen, doubling the transit time for her family.

© UNICEF/UN02840/Gilbertson VII

Jamal Majati receives a child’s coat for one of his children during a clothing distribution in the village of Tabanovce. He and his family visited a child friendly space to change, and ate soup provided by local volunteers before continuing their passage north.

© UNICEF/UN02838/Gilbertson VII

Jamal Majati carries his son, Youssef, in a carrycot, with his wife, Nour, and their 11-year-old son Mohammad beside him.

Nour and her family hope to find “safety, rest, treatment, and education — most importantly, education” in Sweden, the family’s final destination.

© UNICEF/UN02842/Gilbertson VII

Nour walks with her son Mohammad across a makeshift bridge near Tabanovce.

“I have been looking for humanity, but much of the time, I cannot find it. I realized that Syrian blood is very cheap,” she said. “The help that we received throughout the journey showed me that there is still a little hope.”

Learn more about the refugee and migrant crisis in Europe. #FightUnfair



Photography and social change

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