How to Enhance Your Interior with Choice of Decoration?

Interior and Decoration 

Marrie Damen
Photography and Travelling


Scott Raymond Adams is an American author and a cartoonist. He said once and I quote, “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistake. Designing is to know which one to keep.” The words say it all about creativity, innovation and there relation with interior decoration. An interior decorator is in business because of their skills of being able to think creatively and then implement those creations with innovation in form of interior designing and decoration. Interior decoration has existed in a form all along the human history. If you look at the oldest civilizations that are no longer there, their ruins tell you the story of the extent they were conscious about their interior and exterior designing. We have some remarkable structure with wall arts and carvings, still standing though in ruins. Even the burial places and coffins were decorated to show their level of aristocracy in ancient times.
The best thing about interior decoration is that it is a never ending and continuous work. Ideas are creation of innovation and this property is abundant in humans. Getting ideas from others or by seeing it somewhere, and then utilizing that idea with your own personalized touch to balance your existing interior is what art of interior decoration is all about. I have a habit of continuously looking for unique ideas because I like uniqueness and that is the reason that I go to great extent to make my bedroom and living room look unique in a way that also gives out my personality touch. Here are few things that I have seen and have used for my interior as well.
Wall Color and Wall Texture:
The color of the wall and the wall art on it has to be balanced with all the things in the room. This means the furniture, lighting fixtures and the wall art and cheap canvas prints that you are using to decorate it with. Now since I like to add or replace things more often, I have dealt great trouble of changing wall color of the room just because I want to put something new and the balance sways. I have come to a conclusion to go for neutral colors for this purpose. You may go for textured, light or dark according to your personality taste, but stay with neutral so you have more choice of redecorating.
Wall Decoration:
Since I consider, walls as the base of any interior design, I will stick mostly to the wall section in this article. The wall art in modern days define the theme and color scheme like the background of a photographic image print photos on canvas. The vinyl stickers are usually very easy to paste and remove as well. This gives you a choice of redecorating with different design and style every few months. The photographic frames of art or scenic view also give a brilliant touch to your theme of interior decoration; of course choice of the image greatly depends upon you choice of theme. If for example, your theme is an Egyptian theme having a photo frame of Egyptian art work of ancient civilization might be a good idea. Use of lighting to make your art work standout is also an area you need to pay attention to as themed rooms need to have anchor points.

Tom Anderson is professional content writer. He writes about home decoration, planning for self-grooming and necessity of innovation in every sector.



Marrie Damen
Photography and Travelling

Hello,Marrie here, the SEO and Content Writer Expert, who writes various articles about photography, home decoration, canvas art prints etc.