Travelling and Photography are Two Passions that go Hands in Hands

Passion Photography and Travelling 

Marrie Damen
Photography and Travelling
3 min readDec 2, 2013


Holidays have no meaning really if they are not fully enjoyed. The idea of having holidays and a vacation is for the purpose of refreshing one’s mind. After working for the whole year non-stop one really needs to get some off the usual schedule and routine. A human body is not designed to be a robot; people who think they are good being robot usually get dysfunctional very soon. For a healthy body, we need a healthy mind and for the healthy mind you need to have a venting strategy. That is the exact reason that people join gym to do exercise, venting out the frustration and at the same time keeping one’s body in perfect condition. So that is without a doubt that holidays that one gets need to be enjoyed to the fullest with the things and activities one loves doing. For some people that activity is travelling to different destination and experiencing different traditions, cultures and cuisines. My passion is travelling as well and I seldom lose any chance of travelling to somewhere new.
Christmas holidays is a perfect time for travelling to different parts since I am doing a job and the two weeks off that I get for Christmas and New Year are perfect to plan something lengthy. I have a passion for photography as well and I have been doing freelancing photography for quite a while now. My passion of travelling helps me a lot in my freelance work. Fortunately for me, for last 5 years I have been able to sell my photography of the travelled destination of enough money to pay for my trip and shopping there as well. It is not bad considering that photography is my hobby and not my full time job. I have many cheap photo printing used for interior decoration of my living room affixed on the walls. In the beginning the photography and getting those prints helped me to decorate the walls of my place with a great personal touch and now these same images I get to sell to magazines and other printing company making interior decoration print frames.
Last time around I chose a magnificent place of ‘Kiritimati Island’ as my travel destination on the holidays of the Christmas. Since the island is a very difficult place to reach because of very few flights going there, planning was a bit tough but totally worth it. The island is the place where New Year starts. It is the first piece of land on earth which sees every new day first. The island has been marred by many conspiracies because of some earlier nuclear testing by UK and US. The reason that I chose the place was a magnificent opportunity of underwater photography. I had recently bought the gear for underwater photography. Though I had attended a training course on underwater photography, I wanted to get my skills more polished with a bit of experience. I was quite familiar with scuba diving and I had booked couple of tours to the coral reefs and sunken ship wreck near the shores of the Island. The experience was mind blowing. The beautiful ecosystem was worth seeing with some amazing experience of visit to the ship wrecks and their photography was beautiful experience. On my return, yes I was able to sell many canvas pictures to the magazines and print media. The profit not only paid for my visit and shopping but I saved quite a bit for my next trip as well. If things keep moving on like that I am planning to open my studio and company and start full time as photography as my profession.

Tom Anderson is professional content writer. He writes about home decoration, planning for self-grooming and necessity of innovation in every sector.



Marrie Damen
Photography and Travelling

Hello,Marrie here, the SEO and Content Writer Expert, who writes various articles about photography, home decoration, canvas art prints etc.