The Science of Capturing Light: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding How Cameras Work

Delve into the fascinating world of camera technology

Photography from near and afar
8 min readApr 29, 2023


Since their invention in the early 19th century, cameras have changed the way we see, document, and remember the world. Through photography, cameras let us freeze moments and share stories that outlive time and space. But what happens inside these incredible devices? What principles and physics make them work and allow them to capture light, turning it into lasting memories?

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to understanding how cameras work, exploring the fundamental concepts and components that enable photographers to create visual narratives. By examining the physics behind camera technology, I hope to provide insight into the intricacies of this captivating art form and inspire greater appreciation for the tools that bring it to life.

“Vintage camera” — a digital artwork that I generated using the AI in starryai.

The Camera Obscura: A Window to the Past

The foundations of camera technology can be traced back to a simple yet fascinating optical phenomenon known as the camera obscura (Latin for “dark room”). This principle, which dates back to ancient times, involves projecting an image onto a flat surface through a small hole or aperture in a darkened chamber or box.

