Using Photography to Make Social Connections

Meeting Qinran 秦然

Ryan Crocombe
Photography From Zero
2 min readJan 13, 2018


— Read the background to this story here.

Qinran was working on a video project in the same place we were doing our photoshoot with Sebastian.

I thought his style was interesting, so interrupted and asked to take a few shots of him.

Turns out he’s a dance teacher in Hangzhou and communications manager for Chinese streetwear brand HiPanda.

We exchanged WeChats and I sent him the shots I took the next day — he responded by inviting me to come and shoot at a HiPanda show in a few weeks.

Unfortunately the dates don’t work so I can’t attend…

…but more importantly, my theory about photography being a social enabler was proven at the first hurdle:

  1. Having a camera around my neck gave me an excuse to start a conversation with Qinran 秦然.
  2. The fact I could take some decent photos of him meant I could offer up-front value at no cost to him.
  3. It so happened that he also had value that to give in return.
  4. Now I have a new friend, a new route into Shanghai’s streetwear community, and the opportunity to test my photography skills in a new setting.



Ryan Crocombe
Photography From Zero

Design. Ethics. Long-term focus on revolutionising education systems.