Cats I have met & photographed on my travels — Part 1

In this Photography Secrets article, Claire Wade shows how focusing on a topic creates a fantastic body of work. In this case: Cats photographed while traveling.

Claire Wade
Photography Secrets
6 min readJan 27, 2018


I have four main passions in life: my hubby, cats, photography and travel. So what could be better than combining all four — although my hubby does tend to wander off when I find a cat because apparently there are “better things to photograph” (mad as a bag of frogs I know). So lets get on with what you came for — pictures of cats…

Ginger cat at the Great Wall of China, Mutianyu

This furry friend had better things to do than traipsing up and down the wall, preferring to chill by a bin instead.

Cat at the Monastery, Petra, Jordan

I climbed for 45 minutes in the full sun to find this cat eating a kebab at Petra, I also found the Monastery.

Small grey cat at Lake Titicaca, Peru

I didn’t expect to find a cat on the very small man-made floating reed island on Lake Titicaca, Peru. This one was very friendly and cuddled up to me as I listened to a talk on how to make a reed island.

Kitten at Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum, Bucharest, Romania

This dear little kitten followed us all around the village museum and even waited for me outside the loo. There’s a huge colony of cats at this outdoor museum in Bucharest, so it’s well worth a visit.

Fluffy cat at Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia

Sidi Bou Said is known for it’s quaint blue and white buildings and this is where I found a cat perched on a roof.

Ginger kitten at the Amphitheatre of El Jem, Tunisia

This very vocal ginger kitten at El Jem told us all about how this is one of the biggest amphitheatres in the world.

American Tabby cat in Tacoma, USA

This gorgeous cat, Sophie belonged to friends in the USA and was the first cat I met on our USA roadtrip.

Black kittens in Cho Lach, Vietnam

These sweet kittens have their own treehouse in the grounds of a homestay in Cho Lach and play in the jungle during the day. Go there — the people there are lovely too.

Chilled cat in Doha, Qatar

The first sign of cats I found in Doha was lots of cute paw prints on a red car. Later I found a cat chilling in the shade at an indoor market.

Serval, British Shorthair and Caracal at Hoo Farm, England

Duma is a friendly Serval that likes a bit of fuss. The British Shorthair wanders around the place freely but the Caracal can’t because some kids threw stones at it and as a result, it doesn’t trust humans anymore.

Tortoiseshell cat on bench at Stromness, Orkney Islands.

This cat was found near Khyber Pass in Orkney on an unusually non-rainy day.

Handsome ginger in Park Güell, Barcelona, Spain

This cat finds Antoni Gaudi’s fountain in Park Güel quite handy for quenching his thirst.

Cats at Ephesus, Turkey

Where better to find some shade on a roasting hot day than in some ruins of an ancient city? However, the heat didn’t stop the kittens from playing!

White and ginger cat on Ferry from Bodrum, Turkey to the Greek Island of Kos

I’ve never seen a cat wandering around on a ferry before, perhaps he was going on holiday.

Cats in the Algarve, Portugal

The Algarve is brilliant because it’s chock full of adorable cats.

Cambodian Cats at Angkor Wat, Cambodia

There’s various temples at Angkor Wat and I managed to find a cat at everyone we visited. These two were at Preah Ko and Lolei, the kitten and it’s humans was at Bakong.

Cats in Hiroshima, Japan

These cats live in a Japanese Cafe and I paid good money to meet them.

I have many, many more cat photos from all over, so I shall add part 2 of this epic journey of furry cuteness on another day.

