10 Beginner Storytelling Tips to Quickly Improve Your Photos

Yahnny Adolfo San Luis


Malmö Ocean Race 2022, photo by Yahnny Adolfo San Luis

Most photos suffer from Postcard Syndrome which is the exact replication of a scene in the frame.

Dull and bland. This is fine for documentation but nothing more than that.

Here are 10 beginner storytelling tips to quickly improve your photos:

Tip #1: Include people

Including people in your photos can help to create a sense of scale and add a human element to the story. Use body language and facial expressions to convey emotions and tell a story.

Tip #2: Show, don’t tell

Instead of explaining the story with words, let the images talk. Use visual cues such as body language and facial expressions to convey emotions and tell your story.

Tip #3: Use symbolism

Incorporate symbolic elements into your photos to add depth and meaning to the story. For example, a lone tree in a barren field can symbolize isolation.

Tip #4: Edit your photos

Post-processing is an essential part of storytelling in photography. Use editing software to adjust colour, contrast, and other settings to make your photos look their best and enhance the story.



Yahnny Adolfo San Luis

I help stressed adventure travel CEOs spend less time at the desk and more time outdoors. Top Writer on Medium for Photography and Education.