Instantly Improve Your iPhone Photography

Thomas Dean


Tips you can use TODAY!

Instantly Improve Your iPhone Photography

There are 3 things you can do to instantly improve your iPhone photography. Our iPhones have revolutionized our lives.

  • Our iPhones make it easy to document important moments in our lives.
  • iPhone cameras are easy to use if you take the time to learn about them.
  • The quality of the photographs is impressive.

Yes, iPhone cameras are incredible. But look at the second bullet. It says, “…if you take the time to learn…”. To get the best photographs from your iPhone, you must learn what to do with the iPhone camera.

So you got your new iPhone and have taken many photographs. You notice the photos could be better. Maybe you have:

  • Camera movement
  • Poor focus
  • The photo width is too narrow to include all your friends.

You aren’t alone. We all experience these things when we begin to use our cameras.

Camera Movement

Camera movement causes photos with a slight blur. Any small camera movement, especially in low light, will cause a slight blur. You can correct this by:

  • Bracing yourself and your camera against something solid. Bracing can be a tree…



Thomas Dean

I am a photographer who provides tips and advice on photography, marketing and product management/development. Reach out to me