Let the Sun Shine: Natural Light Photography

Thomas Dean


I love to shoot in natural light. But it is more than being outside shooting photographs. There is much more to it.

Graphic of Natural Light Photography

Natural light can be one of your most effective photographic tools once you learn to use it.

The first step is understanding the different types of light you will encounter. There are three basic types of natural light.

  • Direct light is the light you get on a sunny day.
  • Diffused light is the light you get on a cloudy day or a shaded area.
  • Reflected light is the light you get when you are in shadow, and light reflects off a nearby building or object.

What should you consider when you decide to use natural light?

  • Understand the location you are going to use.
  • What can you expect the lighting conditions to be during the day?
  • Where does the sun rise and sunset?
  • Are there trees to use if you need to shoot in shadows?

When should you plan to shoot?

The right time of day is critical to successful natural light photography. Early morning and late afternoon give you pleasing light. Mid-day direct sunlight is harsh and will cause highlights and deep shadows.



Thomas Dean

I am a photographer who provides tips and advice on photography, marketing and product management/development. Reach out to me thomasdean@thomasdeanimages.com