What Camera Do You REALLY Need?

Don’t you hate it when the answer to a question is, “well that depends”?

Thomas Dean
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2022


Sorry, but this is one of those questions.

“What camera do you really need?”, should read, “what kind of photographs do you take?”

That’s where the “depends” comes in. We all have different motivations for taking photographs. We all desire different outcomes with the photographs we take. So, it means there is no “one size fits all” camera solution to the question.

Example of cameras including Smartphone, point-and-shoot and multi-lens digital.
The camera you need depends on the kind of photographs you take.

Let’s look at some different shooting scenarios.

Scenario 1

You have a large family that gets together often. You love to take pictures of all the family events. You share them on your family’s Facebook page.

In this scenario, you probably will do just fine with a smartphone. You can take still photographs and you can also take videos of your family functions. The smartphone makes it easy to share your photos and videos on social media or with family members.

The advantage of the smartphone is it’s always with you. Where you go, it goes.

Scenario 2

You hang out with friends and take selfies and group shots that you post on social media.



Thomas Dean

I am a photographer who provides tips and advice on photography, marketing and product management/development. Reach out to me thomasdean@thomasdeanimages.com