Photo by Dylan Luder

Welcome to

Photospring Organization


Dear friend,
we bid you welcome to our first post.

Through the organization’s philosophy of openness and access, we believe that photography books are veiled works currently available to very few niche individuals yet to be accessible to all photo lovers; it should be considered a way for people to interact with photography, not only visually, but also tactilely.

Photo by Negative Space

Any help, any participation, is welcome as we are an open organization.

If you want to write, if you want to share beautiful books, beautiful pictures, beautiful websites, if you have any idea that can bring benefit to the mission, then we are here to listen.

…so what is the mission?

The idea for the organization was born to create a place where photography and photobooks lovers, like me and you, can kindle and embolden their passion.

Photo by Sandra Franck

But what is photography?

Such is million dollar question!

In our opinion, photography is a language used to convey emotions revolving around every photographer and every story told has its specific language.

We live in a sea of beautiful danks encircled by an archipelago of beautiful stories to tell.

Some you see consciously, others are behind-the-scenes, but both make for great photography.

Photography is an art, it is poetry for the eyes.

We adhere to the parameters that are dictated by the society, which tells us which things are beautiful and which are ugly.

But, in this art, in this visual form of poetry, each photo has its own language and there is no such thing as a beautiful or ugly language.

There are only stories and emotions.

Life is so, and why not photographs?

Photo by Claude Alleva

Never forget that the purpose of a photo should not only be to remember a time, but also be the equivalent of a feeling.

And keep in mind that everything can be both banal and extraordinary.

Forget the count of pixels or MTF objectives test, think about your world, what you are, what you are passionate, what you love.

Thousands of images, thousands of stories, intertwined and at your fingertips. Everyday.

The Photospring Organization.

Photos by Dylan Luder, Negative Space, Sandra Franck, Claude Alleva.

