A month of PHP-FIG #2–4: November 2017 to January 2018

Mark Railton
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2018

Update: we’ve decided to move our blog under our official website; we’ve republished this post at this url.

Back in October 2017, Michael Cullum started a new series on the PHP-FIG blog, ‘A month of PHP-FIG’. Unfortunately as things go, the momentum for this didn’t quite get maintained, but fear not, I’m going to do a recap of the comings and goings of the PHP-FIG for the past 3 months.

Discussion / PSR Updates

  • PSR-12 Entered the review stage at the start of November.
  • PSR-15 was unanimously accepted by the core committee and passed on January 22nd. Woody Gilk, the editor of PSR-15, has created this blog post and Matthew Weier O’Phinney who was the sponsor created this post.
  • The end of January seen some more activity for PSR-5 with Chuck Burgess stepping up as editor and requesting members for a new working group with Gary Hockin as core committee sponsor.


  • November seen both Margaret Staples and Allesandro Lai elected as secretaries to fill 2 vacant slots.
  • In January Michael Cullum’s term expired and I (Mark Railton) was elected to fill that vacancy

Core Committee

  • Terms for Chris Tankersley, Graham Hoefer, Korvin Szanto & Stefano Torresi all expired. With the exception of Graham, all stood for re-election and Michael Cullum was elected for the 4th position.

PHP-FIG Website

Thanks to a lot of work from core committee member Stefano Torresi, the website at www.php-fig.org has been migrated to a PHP build using sculpin and content has been added for PSR-15 as well as an updated member list.

Going forward, the plan is to keep this blog updated on a monthly basis as a quick overview of what’s going on within PHP-FIG. If you’d like to see more or maybe even get involved, then head over to the mailing list.


PHP-FIG Secretaries.



Mark Railton

Christian, Husband, Dad, Senior Software Developer, Mentor, Civil Defence Volunteer, Community First Responder, Coffee Addict, Norn Iron transplant in Wicklow.