Building a sense of ownership in consulting teams

Qasim Hussain
Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2018

Building a sense of ownership in consulting teams In any of the businesses, whether IT or tourism, it is important to build a sense of ownership in teams. It is true that companies heavily depend on the consultants that work hard for representing them before…

Building a sense of ownership in consulting teams

In any of the businesses, whether IT or tourism, it is important to build a sense of ownership in teams. It is true that companies heavily depend on the consultants that work hard for representing them before the clients. In case of travel agencies, their travel consultants are the persons who will convince the customers for a deal or two. One of the key requirements is to have the consultants that are capable enough to take ownership of work. It clearly means that the management will play lesser role in a firm while the travel agents will be dealing with all the matters. In other words, they will consider the firm’s problems as theirs, taking full responsibility to deliver the work with quality.

How to build a sense of ownership in consulting teams

Before your travel agent starts giving his best, it is your duty to make him understand that the work you are going to share with him is his property and he has to convince the clients in any of the ways so that more profits is pocketed. The question is how to build the sense of ownership in consulting teams. Well, the answer of this is very simple. As the owner of the firm, you have to be fair and friendly with the team. Do not put much burden on them if you think that they cannot handle. Assign only a corporate assignment or two at a time. According to the survey conducted by the Ownership Associates, Inc., Cambridge, there are several dimensions that could raise the level of ownership. These have been briefly discussed below:

  1. Fairness

One of the most significant factors to develop sense of ownership is fairness. The employer has to be fair in ditrubuting the workload among the employees especially the consulting team members. Employees should be given feeling that they have distributive justice. As a result of this, the workers will work harder and they will focus much on giving their best performance. In case you put more burdens on a worker than the others, he or she would not perform well. In that case, the repute of your firm will be greatly damaged.

2. Don’t Penalize Your Team Members

It sometimes happens that employees are penalized when they have done something wrong. Even in situations when they are right they have to suffer from losing some money from the monthly salary. As an employer, it is your core responsibility to not penalize the consulting and non-consulting team members. Remember that making mistakes is a part of job and this has not to be taken so seriously. Allow your workers to breathe in an environment where there is no fear of deducation of salaries on delayed work submissions. You should, instead, provide them equal access to key resources and information of the company for better outcomes.

3. Encourage them to participate

If you seek the opinion of your team members every now and then, encourage them to participate. The matters you find difficult to deal with, we highly recommend you to not keep your consulting teams away. Try your best to develop a causal relationship with the workers by giving value to their opinions. This will make your organization grow well. As compared to this, the companies that push their workers behind in the official matters have to suffer because their workers stay limited and cannot do anything for the employers in uncertain curcumstances.

4. Develop self-confidence

Last but not the least you should try your best to develop self confidence among the team members. Irrespective of the departments, there has to be an environment that boosts courage and confidence of the employees.

The above points, though, excellent to remember by organizations of all types, but the startup travel agencies and other firms must not forget. This is due to the reason that if the consulting teams are not given self-confidence, they will never ever be able to participate positively in your company’s growth.

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