Free Delivery on Everything

We need cheaper delivery.

Emil Bruckner


Photo by Drew Beamer

The demand of logistic services is rising. The number of food deliveries grows every year, Amazon is gaining more and more Prime customers, and other services like on demand laundry, catering and so on also gain popularity.
To make the sharing economy economically efficient for small items, we also need a cheap way of getting stuff from A to B.

In the USA and EU alone, 25 billion packages, 3 billion takeaway food deliveries and 130 billion personal shopping trips are made every year (according to these slides), while the last mile is the most expensive part of the entire journey.

How we do it now

There are currently two main ways of getting stuff to your door: Trucks and bike messengers.
Trucks are impressively efficient for delivering packages; once per day. But if something needs to happen on demand, it’s too expensive to send out a truck or car for it. For such scenarios it’s cheaper to send a bike messenger. But even if the bike is motorised, sending anything still costs a couple of bucks, which makes many services economically unviable.

