
Social Media in Healthcare

The Importance of Utilizing Social Media to Advance Healthcare!

CJ Plummer
3 min readSep 26, 2016


Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Ratings. What do all of these have in common? Our patients are using them! It is estimated that 7 out of 10 Internet users are actively searching for information related to healthcare which is the third most popular activity only after email use and search engines (1). Some estimate that over 40% of consumers get their medical information from social media (2). These are astonishing figures that go to show how much social media is currently impacting healthcare.

There are a variety of reasons all physicians should consider leveraging social media as a way to engage patients. For one, it is happening anyway. An ever-growing number of patients are looking to physician-rating sites as a way to choose providers. This is occurring many times, unbeknownst to the physicians and can include negative ratings, some of which can be totally untrue. I can remember on two separate occasions, incidentally coming across negative reviews for physicians I knew personally while using Google search to find addresses. Both posts included specific names of these physicians. I was shocked, even a little disturbed that literally anyone could write almost anything on these websites, true or not! I remember feeling a heightened level of vulnerability at the thought of someone being able to write uncontested reviews of me as a healthcare provider, but this illustrates the importance of maintaining an online presence in a time where online content is being created about me (and you) anyway.

Source: ReconArt

The second reason for leveraging social media in Healthcare is that it is where our patients are. It is estimated that the average American spends 3–4 hours per day on social media websites and as stated previously, many are scouring various websites for medical advice (3). We, as healthcare providers, should be taking command of that content to ensure our communities are equipped with the safest and most reliable information related to health.

Lastly, social media can play a huge role in addressing the numerous deficiencies of our current health care system. With less actual time to spend with patients but more information to cipher through /disseminate, we as healthcare providers, must find more innovative ways to reach our patients. Utilizing social media outlets is one way. In fact, this is already being done. Whether it is creating challenges for shared workouts recorded on wearable devices like Fitbit and Nike Plus, or it is creating blogs for medical information like KevinMD, efforts are being made to utilize social media as a vehicle for addressing the complexities of our current healthcare system.

Even with all of the previously listed benefits of utilizing social media in healthcare, many are still apprehensive. Many voice concerns over the possibility for patients to self-diagnose, thus potentially delaying urgent medical treatment. Others cite increases in the amount of false information being generated and promoted through social media. But the reality is that both of these claims are exactly why we, as physicians, need to be the driving force behind this transition to online content. Social media is here to stay so we must resolve to raise the standard for medical content!

CJ Plummer II, MD
University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, PGY-3
AAP RFC Social Media Ambassador

1. Parks, Troy. “Physician Behind KevinMD Reveals How to Leverage Social Media.” Accessed on September 1, 2016. Link
2. Honigman, Brian. “24 Outstanding Statistics and Figures on How Social Media has Impacted the Healthcare Industry.” Accessed on September 1, 2016. Link
3. MarketingChart Staff. “Social Networking Eats Up 3+ Hours Per Day for the Average American User.” Accessed on September 1, 2016. Link

Originally published in AAP Residents’ and Fellows’ Council Physiatry in Motion newsletter, Issue #3 October 25, 2016.

