Day 10

of 365 Daily Activity Challenge!

Physical Activity and Exercise
1 min readDec 11, 2014


elliptical machine

5km treadmill run.
one-hour ab workout.
15 minutes on the elliptical.

We’re meant to be active. So why is it so many of us choose not to be? Most of us comprehend the obvious benefits; better health, greater energy, weight loss and countless other physical, mental and emotional advantages. But still, we remain inactive. What gives? Get up. Get active. Do it for yourself. Do it for your children, your family, heck do it for your cat! Find the motivation. You can do it! It only takes one step at a time.

My motivation comes from my wife and friends. They are active, close friends who support each other unquestionably and are always there for a friend in need. There’s something about active people that is so inspiring. They are a tight-knit group who encourage and care for each other. It truly is amazing to see. Find a group that inspires you and befriend them. One. Two. Three. Go! ☺




Physical Activity and Exercise

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