Day 23. You’re Messing with My Groove

of 365 Daily Activity Challenge!

Physical Activity and Exercise
1 min readDec 24, 2014


don’t mess with my groove

sixty-minute walk.
one hour and twenty-minute
shoulders and leg workout at the gym.

The gym was nearly empty this evening! How awesome is that? No waiting for equipment just jumping from exercise to exercise. Legs are feeling really solid. I’ve been pushing my weight up every week and it feels right. Shoulders are still not as strong as I’d like but starting to push more weight to them as well. As long as I’m experiencing incremental gains I’m happy.

I downloaded a new ‘workout playlist’ this evening and for the life of me couldn’t get into it. I actually got quite frustrated and distracted by the songs. Note to self. Don’t f*ck with my playlist! Someone else’s playlist isn’t your playlist. Lesson learned.

Music soothes the soul and has always
been an important part of my life. Let’s sing!

Christmas shopping is done, kids are on holiday break and we’re almost wrapped up on work projects for another season. It’s been a good year and I’m grateful for the things life has taught and provided to me. We’re gonna rock 2015!




Physical Activity and Exercise

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